Admissions Policy

The published Pupil Admission Number (PAN) for our school is 90 – we have 3 classes in each year group from Reception to Year 6. We have 39 part-time places in Nursery.

Criteria for admission

Admissions to Reception are dealt with by the Local Authority- Birmingham City Council.
Places are strictly allocated in accordance with the Local Authority’s published criteria, which is as follows:

• Children looked after or previously looked after by the Local Authority (children in Public Care)

• Children with EHCP (Education Health Care Plan) – that have Wheelers Lane Primary School as a named school

• Children with brothers or sisters already at the school who will be still be in attendance when the child starts school

• Children who live nearest the school, distances are obtained from the Local Authority.

Where a child is not offered a place, Parents and Carers have the right to appeal and should contact Admissions and Appeals at the Local Authority.

Admission to the Nursery Class does not give a child an automatic right to transfer to the Primary School. Admissions to Nursery are managed by the school. The same criteria are applied for admission into Nursery as for the rest of the school.

In Year Transfers

Our school manages the allocation of places for Nursery and Years 1 to 6 at any point during the school year. Following the initial allocation of places by Birmingham City Council, subsequent places are managed by school using the same criteria.

Parents and Carers who wish their child to attend Wheelers Lane Primary School should apply directly to the school. They will be asked to complete Birmingham city Council’s In-year application request form and bring a current Birmingham City Council Tax bill as evidence of address and the child’s birth certificate.

Places will be offered according to the Birmingham City Council’s Fair Access Protocol. The child’s name will be removed from the waiting list after 12 months without notification.

If Parents and Carers wish their child to remain on the waiting list, they should notify school in writing, either by email or letter. It is their responsibility to notify Wheeler Lane Primary School, otherwise the child’s name will be removed from the list and another application form will require completion

Parents and Carers will be contacted if a place becomes available.

